
Here at Whitfield C of E School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is deliberately sequenced to activate prior learning skill based, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. We use the CUSP curriculum (Curriculum by Unity Schools Partnership), which is underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. We place an emphasis on vocabulary acquisition and retention. We teach skills discreetly and ensure that they are practised so that they become transferrable. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon. 

In addition to CUSP, we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, Read Write Inc. phonics scheme, Accelerated Reader and White Rose Maths. 

As we have mixed-aged classes, our curriculum delivery follows a 4 year rolling programme Year A, B, C and D. Each highly skilled teacher, ensures each lesson is carefully tailored to ensure that all learners can access and learn in their lessons. 


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