Online Safety

Online Safety is being aware of the nature of the possible threats that children could encounter whilst engaging in activities through the internet. These can include:

  • Security threats,
  • Data protection,
  • Online reputation,
  • Avoiding harmful or illegal content. 

The internet is an amazing tool, it has become a part of daily life in schools, at home and at school. Children are accessing it from a very young age now, and it is our job to teach them to use it wisely and safely. Our ICT curriculum is designed to ensure the basics are taught to children from the start. We emphasise the importance of data protection, critical thinking regarding search results, sharing information and cyberbullying. Whilst in school, children are guided by the watchful eyes of staff, protected by our network security measures and filtering systems but the same controls may not apply outside of school time. We know that for parents, the internet at home can become a challenging environment, the constant evolution of the online world difficult to keep abreast of, and aim to provide guidance, resources and links to help you in this developing age. 

Useful Links

Check what your current home internet or phone data settings will block using the link below. This tool will however, attempt to search for questionable material so may not be appropriate if using a work computer or phone.

Further tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online can be found below.


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