Wraparound Care
Whitfield C of E school is committed to offering extended provision. As we are in a rural area, commutes can take that little bit longer and we appreciate that employment hours are very rarely 9-3.30pm, we also understand that sometimes 'things' happen and we can all run a little late from time to time. Providing flexible wraparound care aims to relieve the pressure a little and parents can drop off their child/ren from 8am daily. Afterschool clubs run Mon-Thurs 3.30-5pm and includes a Thursday sports club ran by our PE coach.
All wrapround care can be included as part of Free Entitlement hours (15 or 30 hours) for parents of Nursery children.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club is from 8.00 to 8.45 daily. Pupils are welcomed into school and share a healthy breakfast of cereals or toast before playing board games, drawing or building with Lego. On the warmer days, time in the playground, or peace garden is always a popular choice. Booking Breakfast Club is easy, a simple message using our Dojo App is all we need. Cancelling a session does however need prior notice (the evening before at the latest) to avoid charges.
For Nursery pupils, Breakfast Club will be included part of their morning session, as part of funded/charged provision.
8.15am- £2
8.30am (no breakfast provided) £1
Afterschool Provision
After-School Club is open to all pupils and runs from the end of the school day until 5pm, Monday to Thursday. Children enjoy a range of activities of their choice, from sports to crafts and are provided with a snack and a drink.
Again, booking is simple and is done through our Dojo App.
3.30-4pm £2.40
3.30-4.30pm £4.80
3.30-5pm £7
If children have not been collected by 5pm, a late collection charge may be applied, reflecting staffing costs associated with late pick-ups.