Mental Well-being

At Whitfield C of E Primary School we believe that everyone in our school community should thrive. Mental well being is important to us; for our pupils, our staff and our community. 

In school we use relaxation techniques, such as finger breathing and listening to gentle music to help us stay calm and focused during our day. 

We are fortunate to have access to an onsite woodland and this means we can spend time 'forest bathing'.  This Japanese practise is a process of relaxation. In Japan it's known as shinrin yoku and it means being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature whilst breathing deeply.

We have many resources and books about well being in school. These are incorporated in our values led collective worship times. We also use them to support children who may be suffering with anxiety, bereavement or anther unexpected trauma. Children can access short term intervention sessions where they can work through their feelings in a safe place with a trusted adult. 

We endeavour to be a place of support for our families too; signposting them to places where they can get extra help or referring into Early Help when needed. We understand life can change quickly and challenges can occur in the most unexpected ways.